Sunday, May 6, 2007

FOZ DO IGUAÇU, BRAZIL--Argentinian Side

The Argentinian side of the waterfalls was even more amazing than the Brazilian side... From the Brazilian side you were able to get a panaromic view of all of them but from the Argentinian side you got more of an upclose and personal look and feel... I also went with three other people from the hostel in a boat that takes you directly under the falls, which was ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!!!!!!!! There is said to be over 275 waterfalls and about 80% of them are on the Argentinian side whereas only 20% are on the Brazilian side!!! They are so beautiful, and I would reccommend that anyone who has the chance should go... Now I have to go to see Niagara Falls when I get home to compare, but I´m sure that these ones will blow Niagara out of the water!!! Hehehe!!!

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